Feb 26, 2017
Yasin and Syed chat about season 1 of Attack on Titan, Georges St Pierre's historic return to the UFC, and the colours they see when they think happy thoughts. Syed gets SUPER HYPED talking about his visit at the Jungle Cat World Wildlife park where he saw various big cats during feeding time and a sexually...
Feb 19, 2017
Psychiatry resident, Dr. Zainab Furqan chats with Yasin and Syed about cross-cultural psychiatry, the positive effects of social connections on mental health, anxiety, and a whole lot more. Get ready to write notes and Google things! This episode is full of useful info!
Feb 13, 2017
Yasin and Syed create an all brown cast list for a Silicone Valley hostage movie, talk about why trailers are evil, and discuss M Night Shyamalan's potential chance at redemption as a director. Yasin explains how a friend's extreme positivity pushed him into wedding photography and Syed describes the difficulties...
Feb 5, 2017
Yasin and Syed chat about seeing the great Louie CK at the ACC, the upcoming John Wick sequel, Spielberg hit and miss movies, and knowing when it's time to get Shwifty. Yasin tells the story of the time he dabbled as a candlelight hair stylist and Syed explains why people are boycotting a Bollywood movie.